££140000 + vat2022 ADL Enviro 200Mileage: 68263MOT: 19/11/2025, Seating Capacity: 34View Listing
££79995 + vat16 Seats2019 Mercedes SprinterMileage: 732313kmMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 16View Listing
££69995 + vatPSVAR****REDUCED2018 Mercedes SprinterMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 16View Listing
££73000 + vat2017 Volvo B11R Caetano LevanteMileage: 1400000kmMOT: NEW/LONG, Seating Capacity: 57 View Listing
££12500 + VATPSVAR2016 Fiat DucatoMileage: 119081MOT: 13/08/2025, Seating Capacity: 15View Listing
££68000 + vatChoice of 22016 ADL ENVIRO 200Mileage: 304055MOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 39View Listing
££68000 + vatChoice of 22016 ADL ENVIRO 200Mileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 39View Listing
££20000 + vat2013 Optare VersaMileage: 632912kmMOT: 05/07/2025, Seating Capacity: 39View Listing
££80000 + vat87 SEATS2013 Scania Caetano LevanteMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 87View Listing
££15000 +vat2012 Optare Solo HybridMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 30View Listing
££15000 + vat***REDUCED***2012 Optare Solo HybridMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 30View Listing
££23000 + vatEURO 52012 Wrights StreetliteMileage: 227518kmMOT: 20/08/2025, Seating Capacity: 31View Listing
££56000 + vatPSVAR/70 Seats2011 Volvo B9R Caetano LevanteMileage: 1692104kmMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££34000+ vat***REDUCED***83 SEATS / PSVAR2009 Volvo B12BT Plaxton PantherMileage: TBCMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 83View Listing
££34000 + vat83 Seats **REDUCED**2009 Volvo B12BT Plaxton PantherMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 83View Listing
££10500 + vat2007 ADL Enviro 200Mileage: 181536MOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 29View Listing
££34000 + vat83 Seats/PSVAR2007 Volvo B12BT Plaxton PantherMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 83View Listing
££39000 + vat90 SEATS2007 Scania K420 Caetano Levante,Mileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 90View Listing
££30000 + vat90 Seats **REDUCED**2007 Scania K340EB Caetano LevanteMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 90View Listing
££25500 + vatPSVAR/Choice of 5/70 Seats2007 Volvo B7R Plaxton ProfileMileage: 440204kmMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££25500 + vatPSVAR/70 Seats/Choice of 52007 Volvo B7R Plaxton ProfileMileage: TBCMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££30000 + vat90 Seats2007 Scania Caetano LevanteMileage: 1774170kmMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 90View Listing
££25500 + vatPSVAR/70 Seats/ Choice of 52007 Volvo B7R Plaxton ProfileMileage: TBCMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££25500 + vatPSVAR/70 Seats/Choice of 52007 Volvo B7R Plaxton ProfileMileage: TBCMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££39500 + vat2008 Scania K420 Caetano Levante,Mileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 90View Listing
££30000 + vat2007 Iveco Irisbus Plaxton ParagonMileage: 496207kmMOT: 23/08/2025, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££29000 + vat70 SEATS PSVAR2006 Volvo B12B Plaxton PantherMileage: TBCMOT: 04/10/2024, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££22500 + vatPSVAR/70 Seats2006 Volvo B7R Plaxton ProfileMileage: TBCMOT: NEW, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing
££8000 + vat22 SEATS2005 Optare SoloMileage: TBCMOT: TBC, Seating Capacity: 22View Listing
££12000 + vat70 Seats2004 Volvo B12B Plaxton PantherMileage: TBCMOT: 14/05/2025, Seating Capacity: 70View Listing